Regular Donations
Regular donations can cover school fees and tuition, usually paid once every three months. Other regular payments can include family support, to cover monthly household bills including rent, food, water, clothing, electricity and transport.
Regular payments can also be used to sponsor an orphan, sponsor someone for HIV medication, and/or supporting an income generating project such chicken rearing, sewing and knitting projects, agricultural projects including animal rearing for meat or milk products, inputs such as seed and fertiliser, and retail such selling fruits and vegetables.
Regular payments can be made by:
- depositing cash/cheque in the Charity’s account
- arranging a standing order (usually monthly) from your bank to the Charity’s Account (See below)
- setting up a direct debit using the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
- Deductions from your Salary through Give As you Earn.

The Charity's Account
Charity Number: 1112417
Account Name: Southern Africa AIDS Foundation (SAAF)
Account Number: 40375322
Sort Code: 20-44-86
Bank: Islington & Camden Branch, P.O. Box 3474, London, NW1 7NQ
Give As You Earn
Payroll Giving is a flexible scheme which allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax free basis to the charities and good causes of their choice. Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you’re a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p. Payroll Giving (also known as Give As You Earn or workplace giving) is a valuable, long term source of revenue, providing regular income to help charities budget and plan ahead more effectively. Employees can choose to support any charity of their choice with a regular donation direct from their pay. Its cheaper because its tax free – for example, a donation of £5 per month costs the basic rate tax payer £4.00 (the taxman pays the rest!)Higher rate taxpayers- the only way to pass on your 40% or 45% tax to charities. Only 28% can be recouped via other ways of giving.

GiftAid is a scheme that allows us to claim a further 25% from HMRC on donations or gifts given by you, as long as you are paying the basic rate of UK tax at no added cost.
If you are on a higher tax bracket then you could save money by claiming back the difference between your rate and the basic rate (20%) from HMRC.
In-kind Donations
You can also donate clothing, computers, school equipment, toys and gifts for birthdays and at Christmas.
Donate medicines, anti-retroviral drugs, and medical equipment.
Volunteer for the charity with leafleting, street collections, manning stalls at public events, canvassing, campaigning, and stewarding at public events.
Offer to do skilled work for the charity like website development, fundraising, planning and developing strategies, accountancy, typing, publicity and marketing.