Join Us
The Southern Africa AIDS Foundation (SAAF) has 3 classes of membership. Affiliate membership is free from subscriptions, largely representing persons or corporate organisations that support, or have supported SAAF in the past with cash or in-kind donations. Regional committee members and trustees pay a £20 subscription fee and contribute to the running of the organisations through participation at meetings and volunteering services.

Affliate Membership
Affiliate members are members of the public or organisations who have either made a cash or an in-kind donation, or volunteered work for the Charity. In-kind donations include donations of clothing, computers, food and refreshments, and such other material donations. Volunteering work includes dropping leaflets, campaigning, skilled work like secretarial work, report writing, information technology and so on.
Cash donors who are UK tax papers are requested to complete a Giftaid-it form to enable SAAF to reclaim tax paid on the donation.
Committee Member
Committee members are members of SAAF who have paid a subscription fee of £20 and have signed a membership form. Members of SAAF agree to abide by the SAAF Code of Conduct, SAAF policies including the Equal Opportunities Policy, and Confidentiality & Data Protection Policy, as well as the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Committee members are invited to meetings and events of the Charity and would be expected to participate in decision-making of the Charity. They are entitled to vote at general meetings of the Charity.Membership applications are considered at meetings of the Trustees held quarterly every year. Applicants are notified as soon as possible after the meeting.
Regional committees are made up of the regional chair, secretary, treasurer/ funding officer and, where appropriate, their deputies, as well as general committee members. Description of the role and guidance on being a SAAF regional committee member is given as training and induction for new committee members.